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Project description

Site: Long Ave. at Bradford St. in the Hampden Park neighborhood of St. Paul.  2330 Long Ave, St Paul, MN 55114

~4,300 sf - two levels

The project required the designer to complete the design of a culturally sensitive house. This project has several parts and took the entire semester to complete. The designer undertook the problem identification and definition during the programming stage of the project—they explore differences and similarities in the housing needs of the Somalian cultural group. Then, the designer identified a design solution that bridges those needs during the Schematic Design and Design Development phases of the project.

Concept -  Convergent

Convergent could be defined by the three characteristics of INCLUSIVE, GATHERING, FLEXIBLE in order to force a new whole. The space design could take advantage of using the universal design by mainstream and culture-sensitive contexts to maintain most user needs in a wide range, showing the similarities and differences between the collective and the individual context of cultural identity, and also allowing future changes of the space.

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